Alkara Water Solutions



Alkara soft water conditioners range employs state-of-the-art electrolysis mechanism to catapult your life out of hard water hassles. Made with unique technology combining 72 different kinds of alloys like gold, silver, copper, brass bronze, aluminum and iron etc, our conditioners never use any kinds of salts or resins to transform hard water into soft water. Alakra Soft Water Conditioners Prevents and Neutralizes high levels of Calcium and Magnesium in an eco friendly way providing immaculate soft water to your Residential Commercial and Industrial purposes.

Using our array of world-class conditioners prevents and gradually removes the Lime Scale, stains and corrosion in your plumbing jargon. We use the Principle of Turbulence to breakdown calcium and magnesium into nano particles thereby neutralising the hard water into soft water as given by nature in the first place. Alkara’s range is also adept at retaining the useful minerals which helps you stay healthy without the use of electricity and chemicals

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  • Rice Mills
  • Spinning Mills
  • Power Plats
  • Boiler Feed Water
  • Heating System
  • Humidification
  • Construction
  • Oil & Gas RO Plant
  • Food Processing
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Cooling Towers
  • Air Conditioning